It’s Your Business – Play Big Or Don’t Play At All

Article marketing requires work and persistent to get growing results. A coach may help you overcome those challenges. However, if you only need the knowledge and information, free information and ebooks or courses are the way to go.

And, that falls back to what I said earlier about getting specific. If you are a successful coach, and I mean successful at getting clients, AND at delivering successful results to your clients once you do get them, you’ve probably found that some of your clients tend to get better results, so who are they? And what kind of measurable result do they get?

A few of the things a marketing coach can help you with is writing a bio, tagline and back cover synopsis that reflects the strength of your writing and doesn’t hide the key talking points behind unnecessary words. Just like new reporters are admonished to never bury the lead.

Before you get started, you must know some important things. A website should be professional and easy to navigate. You run a professional business, so your website should have the same look and feel. As for navigation, fewer pages are better. No one wants to visit 10 different pages on your website before finally finding your contact information. Chances are, they will give up after the 5th and turn to a competing Network marketing coach.

Someone who isn’t so eager to take you on. Time is precious and a good coach knows that her time is also limited. She’s not willing to take on any and everyone. A good coach chooses his clients by assessing whether or not the person is coachable, not by determining how much money he can make.

Make time for marketing. Now that you’re clear on what you need to accomplish you need to MAKE time in your schedule to complete the necessary tasks. Don’t leave this to chance! Starting TODAY allocate specific blocks of time in your schedule to work on your marketing and business development. It’s best to schedule this time early in the day early in the week technology coach and early in the month. Eliminate your time wasters and re-train yourself to work on marketing BEFORE you do anything else in your business, especially checking your email!

A good Marketing Coach comes from a solid business or executive management background with real life experience. Based on this know-how he can navigate the dicey rivers of business and he knows where the dry holes are. He truly understands that as business climates change, his coaching will change as well.

When I ask coaches in my workshops how many new clients they get from their website the answer is frequently 1 in 10 months or so. Or if they are out there networking, it’s probably a new client every few months.

A good friend and companion on the self-employment journey once told me: if she’s on the path a few steps ahead, she wants to point out to those following behind the big boulders to avoid. In the spirit of paying it forward, I want to help you avoid some boulders.

Unfortunately, it is difficult to admit that you need help. It is difficult that you might need an Internet marketing coach to teach you the way it is done, the way it should be done, to make money online. If making money online were genuinely easy, then there would be many many more people online who are getting rich in Internet marketing. But frankly, it’s not as easy as the commercials make it seem, it’s not as easy as the guy who claims he does all his work in his underwear. I make a nice income online, I do not sit on my underwear, I work 40 plus hours per week.

The same is true for an online Marketing Coach. If someone wants you to pay them before they help you at all, they are in it for themselves. If they are willing to listen to you and your needs before they ask for money, then you have found a winner.

A network marketing coach gives us patience. In learning any new skill, there is a learning curve. A coach can teach us patience as we struggle through failure to achieve mastery. Do you know of any successful person who doesn’t have a mentor?

A Marketing Coach can help you develop excellent time management skills, identify and eliminate time-wasting distractions, and prioritize your strengths so you can concentrate on your high-productivity assets. Thus you work smarter, not harder, so you can relax more when you want to.

Want to know why you need a coach? I mean, can’t you get the information for internet marketing all for free on the internet? Yes, and, No! You can get a lot of free information on the internet, but that is part of the problem. You can get too much. How do you sort through it, and get down to the basics.

It is my honour to present the latest interview in my series of chats with business visionaries and experts. Today I am joined with my business coach, Paul Gruber, who is an achievement coach with RRi, one of the fastest growing achievement coaching firms in the world. Paul is dedicated to personal growth, and to helping others achieve their dreams.

If you want to sell your services as a Network Marketing Coach, you need to have a website. Part of running a profitable business is having a website and internet marketing. You teach your clients the importance of the internet, so make sure you use it yourself.

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